Readings - Facebook Weekly Draw

All readings are done via email and are strictly confidential!

How it works:
Submit your request via the Contact page
Please include your date of birth (numerology)
Nominate your type of reading request in the Subject line
Be clear with your question, I am not a psychic. The clearer your question the clearer your answer will be.
Your request will be confirmed within 12hrs
Your question will be reviewed and assessed against my Mission Statement.
4. Your online tarot reading will be done
within 3 to 7 days of confirmation
5. You will receive your online tarot reading
via email containing a PDF document of
your reading and pictures of the cards
used for your reading
6. Please pay via PayPal when you make
your request for your reading. paypal.me/faeree
7. Direct Bank Deposit also accepted ...please
request details via your reading request.
Thank you.
Please send feedback :-)

1. Yes/No 1 card = FREE
2. Soul Card with Numerology to discover your purpose in life = $25
3. General or Specific readings = $35
4. Birthday or Year Ahead readings =$50
*All payments in AUD $
Payment link :
paypal.me/faeree OR click below
For *FREE mini 1 card online Tarot readings go to my contacts page and send your questions in exchange for feedback - this is an excellent way to determine whether or not our styles sync :-) 1 only per customer
Or submit your request to my facebook page via the link at the bottom of this page.