Deck Review - The Book of Shadows, The Lost Code of the Tarot by Andrea Aste
A Review of Book of Shadows, The Lost Code of the Tarot.
I was privileged to be involved in the Crowd Funding experience for this awesome Tarot deck…even though Tarot deck is not the right word. It is more a masterpiece of art, written word and illusion which takes you immediately to whole different world and time.
The Unboxing: The Book of Shadows arrives in beautiful black box that depicts the night sky and pictures of cards in shimmering effect. On opening the magnetically sealed box, you are presented with the Book of Shadows. This book is a wonder of its own…which I will go into in a moment. Beneath the Book are the cards. 78 picture cards with black and red drawings, and 2 extra…The Gypsy card reader and The Elephant…to use as you see fit.

The Book: The Book takes us on a magical journey of the discovery of the very first Tarot deck that has been lost for centuries and which was the brain child of the Alchemist, Johannes Aathanasius Prometheicus. We even have a story from the CCB History channel ;-) If you haven’t realised yet, this is totally fictional, but Andrea has the ability to make you believe it is real and sucks you into the world of secret codes and mysterious stolen pages from the original manuscripts. The Book is full of rich original artwork and Andrea’s creative sense of humour at every turn. It is a delight to delve into on its own, and is only enhanced by his Parallel World at (I highly recommend you visit whether or not you buy the cards…a totally different experience you will enjoy)

The Cards: The Cards are based on traditional decks with the suits of Wands, Swords, Pentacles and Cups. The Minor arcana are kept simple and to the point relying on the Readers intuition and previous experience. The Major arcana also come with symbols at the bottom that are decoded using the Book, which is a fun element of interaction whilst reading with these cards. The antique colouring of the cards adds a mysterious dimension to the pictures and you could almost believe they are centuries old. On the antique background the drawings are in red and black fine lines. I find they shuffle well and I like the feel of the slim line in my hands.

Findings: I love everything about this experience. This is not just a normal regular Tarot deck. This is an exploration into a fictional past that involves ancient secrets and deceptions. Mysterious twists and turns as long lost manuscript pages are rediscovered and reintroduced into the modern world. A good review should probably have a negative…I am sure I will think of something…I will get back to you ;-) …
“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.” – Andrea Aste
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